
Clueful for Android

Really know your apps

  • In-Depth Analysis
  • On-Install Guardian
  • Privacy Score Calculator
  • Completely Free
Get it on Google Play

Average rating

Clueful for Android is a FREE product that shows you how installed apps use,

and possibly abuse, your personal information and treat your privacy.

How it works

Clueful is a free app that acts like a “Privacy Consultant” showing what installed apps do in the background. Without your knowledge.

It checks your apps against Bitdefender’s constantly updated Cloud, calculates your
“Privacy Score”, and informs you as to which apps are sacrificing your privacy.

Step 1

Install Clueful on your Android phone or tablet

Step 2

Check out your Privacy Score and review your apps

Step 3

Now you know how apps treat your privacy and what to do

Step 4

Keep installing apps, Clueful is on guard

In-Depth Analysis

Clueful shows you what apps REALLY do behind your back: leaking your phone number, spamming your notification bar, playing audio ads while on the phone, sending your password unencrypted over the Internet, or even send text messages without asking for your permission!

Privacy Score Calculator

Play with the Privacy Score button! It provides a personal evaluation to each and every user, based on the apps he or she has installed. By doing so, it informs users of how vulnerable they are when it comes to their privacy.

On-Install Guardian

Clueful is never asleep. It monitors apps that you install from the Google Play Store and immediately tells you if they’re abusive, not to mention it is is always up-to-date when connected to the Web, as the Cloud is updated 24/7.

Product Screenshots

  • System requirements:

    • ANDROID 2.2 or newer;
    • An active Internet connection

Clueful for Android

Really know your apps

Clueful for Android is a FREE product that shows you how installed apps use, and possibly abuse, your personal information and treat your privacy.